Who is Muhammad?
3m 35s
Muhammad (saws) was born around 570 A.D. in the city of Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula.
Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa salaam (saws) is the Arabic phrase we use whenever we mention our beloved prophet Muhammad. It means: may the blessings and the peace of Allah be upon him (Muhammad).
As Muslims, we believe that there is only One true God, Allah - and He sent many messengers and prophets to earth to spread the message of Islam and to tell people what is right and what is wrong.
Muhammad (saws) is Allah’s last prophet and messenger in a line of prophets that included Moses, Abraham, and Isa (Jesus) peace be upon all of them.
Allah sent Muhammad (saws) as the last prophet to teach Islam to everyone. Allah sent down the Qur’an through prophet Muhammad.
The Qur'an is a record of the exact words of Allah brought down to earth through the angel Jibreel /Gabriel to prophet Muhammad (saws).
Prophet Muhammad (saws) taught the people that there is only one God, Allah, that He created everything and there is nothing like Him.
Muslims follow the example of Muhammad (saws), as he was the best man to ever walk this earth.
He had a great character and showed Muslims how to be the perfect Muslim. Prophet Muhammad (saws) was a messenger, a son, a father, a husband, a military leader, a ruler, a teacher, a neighbour and a friend.
Prophet Muhammad (saws) loved us even though he didn’t meet us and we love him.
Muhammad (saws) was well known for being especially kind towards children and he would often play games with them and pay attention to them.
Our beloved prophet Muhammad (saws) was buried in Madinah, Saudi Arabia after he passed away.
Produced, written and edited by Subhi Alshaik