I'm The Best Muslim - Season 3 (PG)

I'm The Best Muslim - Season 3 (PG)

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I'm The Best Muslim - Season 3 (PG)
  • I'm The Best Muslim Season 3 - COMPILATION

    Join us on a journey to learn all the characteristics that can make you THE BEST MUSLIM, inshAllah.

  • S3 EPISODE 1 - How to Borrow your Friend's Money

    In Islam, loans are considered a form of charity and are encouraged, especially when given to those in need. However, some guidelines should be followed to ensure the transaction is conducted fairly and ethically. Watch how Best Muslim reacts when his best friend asks for a loan!

  • S3 EPISODE 2 - How to say Aameen

    Children making loud sounds at the masjid can disrupt those trying to pray or listen to the sermon. However, it's important to remember that children are still learning and may not fully understand the etiquette and decorum expected in a masjid. Watch how Best Muslim tries to solve this issue!

  • S3 EPISODE 3 - How to Avoid Curse Words

    Using curse words is considered a sinful act and should be avoided. The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasize the importance of using kind and respectful language in all situations. Watch how Pungky controls his tongue!

  • S3 EPISODE 4 - How to Open the Door

    Islam teaches us not to belittle any good deed. No matter how small, it can make a difference in someone's life. Watch Pungky help Granny and make her happy.

  • S3 EPISODE 5 - How to Raise Your Child

    It's natural to want our children to excel in secular sciences in a world filled with endless opportunities, like excelling in math, physics, chemistry, coding, creative writing, and such.

    But as we navigate the path of parenthood, let's not forget the crucial lesson from the Prophet (ﷺ) himsel...

  • S3 EPISODE 6 - How to Become Religious

    Just remember the golden rule: "Don't be harsh."

    It's easy to get passionate (gheerah) about our deen, but remember that gentleness and kindness are the keys to effective da'wah.

    Harshness can create barriers, distance, and misunderstandings. It can make people defensive and closed off to the m...

  • S3 EPISODE 7 - How to Say Yes

    Do you know how to say yes?

    It's easy to promise using the word "inshaAllah" to get away from the promise. However, Muslims have the responsibility to fulfil any promise in the best possible way. On the other hand, we also understand that unless Allah's will aligns with our intention, our desire...

  • S3 EPISODE 8 - Undying Courage

    As we bid farewell to another season, we reflect on the undying courage portrayed throughout our journey. It reminds us all to persevere, even in the face of the heaviest struggles and oppression, for it is through courage that we find strength and resilience.

    "Do you not know that the kingdom o...